I just recently noticed this case while googling for some information about the British Council. I'm pleased to say the British Council were found guilty and the claimant's case was upheld. It seems the tribunal took place towards the end of 2024. I've added some links here, so you can peruse the case yourself.
- https://redmans.co.uk/insights/sexually-harassed-british-council-worker-unfair-dismissal/
- https://www.stephens-scown.co.uk/stephens-scown-llp-news/former-british-council-worker-wins-sexual-harassment-claim-against-senior-official/
- https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/66965ce10808eaf43b50d034/KJ_-v-_British_Council_-_3200569_2022_-_Amended_Judgment.pdf
- https://vlex.co.uk/vid/kj-v-british-council-1045462968
- https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/british-council-morocco-harassment-stalking-tony-reilly-obe-b1175415.html
- https://en.yabiladi.com/articles/details/152991/british-council-official-sexually-harassed.html
The reason it was of such interest to me is that I myself experienced bullying and harassment during my time at the British Council a decade ago. Importantly, I received a similar treatment to what KJ did. Basically, managers fail to take any of the actions they should and instead just close ranks. British Council managers will always support one another no matter what, as most of them are just thinking about their own skins. In fact, it's a cardinal sin in the world of BC management to criticise another manager, and most are frightened to do so. So, the truth is that, despite realms of guidelines, the British Council are complete hypocrites when it comes to supporting their workers. And it seems even after a whole decade since I left nothing has changed.
Incredibly, I noticed some of the same players were involved in this case as in mine, notably Andrew Spells. It seems he offered his support to Tony Reilly. And he was exactly the man who supported the managers in my dispute. I certainly wasn't surprised to see this, though, because Mr Spells is obviously completely insensitive to the views, feelings or rights of any claimant and simply supports managers, no matter what. It's a very authoritarian structure. Yet, amazingly, Andrew Spells became head of Wellbeing for the British Council after his spell as MENA leader. Let me assure you, he is not in the least concerned about your wellbeing if you are a regular teacher.
Please do communicate with me if you know more about the case or would like to know what I experienced.